Fertility Window: How Can You Maintain an Ovulation Calculator to Achieve Pregnancy?

fertility window

Sometimes, people can conceive without much effort. So, many of us don’t realize that for a woman to get pregnant, a lot of things happen inside her body one after another. Having intercourse with your partner won’t get you pregnant unless you are doing it at the right time. You will be amazed to learn that there is a specific timeframe in every female’s menstrual cycle, and during this time, your chances of conceiving are the highest. This is what fertility experts term the ‘fertility window‘ or the ‘ovulation window‘.

What is the fertile window and how can you monitor it? Let’s find out everything about it so that you can plan your baby.

Fertile Window: An Overview

As stated, every month there comes a time when your body is the most fertile. It is the fertility window. If you are thinking of welcoming a baby into your life and you’ve been trying in vain, maintaining a fertile window calendar might be effective for you.

Even for people who are undergoing IVF (in vitro fertilization) or some other assisted reproductive treatment, doctors recommend them to be mindful of their fertility window and have sex accordingly. We will tell you how to track it like a pro if you want to know more.

How to Calculate My Fertility Window?

Various methods can help a person identify her fertile period and pinpoint which happens to be the most fertile days of her menstrual cycle. These are some of the paths you can adopt:

1. Tracking BBT (Basal Body Temperature)

The lowest resting temperature of your body is your basal body temperature. So, there is usually a slight rise in your basal body temp. when you ovulate, this happens due to an increase in the levels of progesterone hormone. Hence, all you have to do is track your BBT readings regularly over consecutive menstrual cycles to understand a pattern. Then it won’t be challenging to sense that your ovulation is approaching.

2. Monitoring Cervical Mucus

Besides monitoring the BBT, there are various other signs of ovulation. Alterations in the volume of cervical mucus are one such change. Around ovulation, the vaginal mucous becomes stretchy, slippery, and transparent, similar to egg whites. This is a clear indicator that you are extremely fertile. As you are trying to conceive, you should rely on this technique on the days leading up to ovulation and initiate more intimacy with your spouse.

3. Tracking Periods

If you closely monitor the length of your menstrual cycle and patterns, you can estimate when ovulation might occur. It typically happens nearly 2 weeks before the beginning of another menstrual period. Therefore, by tracking each cycle’s length, you can get valuable info about fertility timing.

So, just note down the first day of your period. However, if you have irregular periods, then it might be tricky, and it could also be a sign of some PCOS or some other condition. In that case, you should book an appointment with an esteemed gynecologist and fix that first.

Ovulation Prediction Kits to Predict When You Ovulate

Most women are skeptical about buying ovulation kits. So, you too must have wondered if they work at all. When you use an ovulation predictor to detect an LH surge, the result is around 97% accurate. Therefore, it goes beyond saying that an ovulation period calculator might be immensely effective, and you will never miss your pregnancy window again.

The Bottom Line

We may conclude by saying that infertility is a major problem in today’s society and all couples should have fertility awareness if they are looking forward to conception. As the fertility window is a narrow timeframe, you might forget it. This is where ovulation predictor kits can come to your rescue as they will help you identify the best time for intercourse.