IVF Success Rate in India

In vitro fertilization, or IVF is a long-established technique for treating infertility. When sperm fertilize an egg outside the body, such as in a laboratory, the procedure is known as in vitro fertilization. The generated embryo is then returned to the mother’s uterus following fertilization in the hope that this would lead to a pregnancy free of difficulties. In this blog, we will know about the IVF Success Rate in India.
IVF Success Rate in India by Age & Number of Embryos
The age of the woman undergoing in vitro fertilization, the caliber of the eggs and sperm, and the number of embryos implanted are just a few of the variables that can have a big impact on success rates in India. The Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) collated and presented evidence that indicates that the overall success rate of in vitro fertilization in India is somewhere between 40 and 45%.
But bear in mind that success rates can differ significantly between facilities. It’s important to keep in mind this truth. Due to their level of expertise, superior equipment, and experience compared to other clinics, some may have higher success rates than others. Couples thinking about in vitro fertilization should conduct their research and select a center that has a good reputation and a track record of success in the industry.

IVF Success Rate in India
Here is the List of a Wide Range of Factors that can Affect the IVF Success Rate in India in 2023:
Explore the factors that play a crucial role in determining the IVF Success Rate in India.
The patient’s age is said to be one of the significant variables that will affect a healthy pregnancy. As the woman starts aging both the quality and quantity of the eggs start degrading making it harder and harder for her to start and maintain a healthy pregnancy. According to the ISAR’s findings, women under the age of 35 have a success rate of about 50%, but women beyond the age of 40 have a success rate of about 20%.
Quality of Sperms and Eggs
The sperm and eggs that are used during the procedure may have an impact on the success rates of in vitro fertilization. If both the eggs and sperm are of exceptional quality, there is a greater chance that fertilized eggs and sperm will result in the development of a healthy embryo. There is a chance that the chances of success will be lowered if neither the eggs nor the sperm are of sufficient quality.
Issues Regarding the Health of the Sexual and Reproductive Systems
Many reproductive health conditions, including polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, and male infertility, are thought to play a role in India’s low success rate for IVF procedures. It can be particularly challenging to get pregnant if you have one of these diseases because they have the potential to reduce the quality of sperm and eggs. It is very possible that in order to increase their chances of having children, infertility-stricken couples may need extra procedures or treatments.
Quantity of Transferred Embryos
While going through the fertilization process the number of embryos that can be placed in the female uterus directly affects the rate of pregnancy. Transferring more embryos may boost a woman’s potential of having a healthy child, but it also increases the likelihood that she will become pregnant frequently, which is associated with a higher risk of difficulties. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s (ASRM) standards, women under the age of 35 should not have more than two embryos implanted in them.

In Vitro Fertilization Success Rate in India
Individual Preferences for a Particular Style of Life
IVF Success Rate in India can also be impacted by lifestyle factors, such as obesity or a drinking problem. If such types of medical conditions exist then it will be quite difficult for the women to have a healthy pregnancy as it is quite possible that it will affect the generation of eggs and sperm. Prior to starting the IVF treatment process and throughout it, couples are strongly advised to lead healthy lifestyles. The likelihood of them getting pregnant will rise as a direct result of this.
The success rate for in vitro fertilization (IVF) in the United States is roughly 24% for women under the age of 35, 20% for women aged 35 to 37, 15% for women aged 38 to 40, 8% for women aged 41 to 42, and less than 3% for women over the age of 43, according to the most recent report released by the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (SART). The number of live births that follow the surgery determines this success rate. The patient’s age has a big impact on the IVF success rate.
Some of the Actions that Fertility Experts Advise Adopting to Boost the Birth Rate are as follows:
In vitro fertilization, or IVF has seen an increase in success rates as a result of the use of several techniques created by reproductive scientists. Instead of freezing eggs, many modern fertility clinics freeze the embryos produced through intrauterine insemination (IUI), conventional in vitro fertilization. This procedure, referred to as “freeze all,” is used in many contemporary fertility clinics. The success rate of in vitro fertilization procedures in India has significantly increased as a direct result of employing this method and utilizing recent advances in reproductive science.
A technique that assesses the endometrium at the molecular level is endometrial receptivity analysis or ERA for short. Women who have repeatedly tried implantation but failed are advised to try this procedure.
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), also known as PGT, is strongly advised as a way to increase the likelihood of successful implantation because chromosomal abnormalities in embryos are the main reason for implantation failure. The elderly female population is particularly affected by this.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, or ICSI for short, is another technique that has been demonstrated to increase the likelihood of conception. You can think of this procedure as in vitro fertilization subtype. In the event that standard IVF techniques fail to result in pregnancy, ICSI might be used as a backup procedure. An egg is immediately put into a single, high-quality sperm that has been chosen throughout this operation in a laboratory setting using a very small glass needle.
The culture and transfer of the blastocyst, one of the technique’s most crucial processes, must be finished in order for in vitro fertilization to be successful. By using this method, the likelihood of having a healthy pregnancy increases while the likelihood of carrying more than one embryo at once to term decreases.
The Bottom Line
You need to discuss all of these and other options with your fertility specialist if you’re thinking about getting IVF in India or anywhere else for that matter. This will enable you to assess which choice, given your unique requirements, IVF cost, and situational circumstances, will be most advantageous to you.
It is important to remember that a variety of circumstances, including the age of the woman having the operation, might affect the likelihood that in vitro fertilization will lead to a healthy pregnancy. Women over the age of 35 have much-reduced possibilities of having a successful IVF treatment, whereas younger women have far higher chances of having a successful surgery.
It is crucial to prioritize a person’s mental health on par with their physical health because IVF may have a negative impact on that person’s mental health. In addition to obtaining support from those who are significant to one’s well-being, such as family members and loved ones, it may be helpful to share one’s objectives and concerns with a therapist.
If you or a member of your immediate or extended family is experiencing trouble getting pregnant, it is highly advised that you get medical help from the IVF Centre.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the IVF Success Rate in India?
The success rate of IVF in India varies depending on various factors such as the age of the woman, the cause of infertility, the quality of the embryos, the fertility clinic’s expertise, the cause of infertility, and the woman’s overall health.
Does the success rate of IVF vary based on the number of cycles attempted?
Yes, the success rate of IVF may increase with the number of cycles attempted. It’s important to note that not all cycles may result in a successful pregnancy, but multiple attempts can improve the chances of achieving a positive outcome.
Can the success rate of IVF be improved by using advanced technologies?
Yes, the use of advanced technologies such as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) and time-lapse imaging can enhance the success rates of IVF. PGT allows for the selection of genetically normal embryos, while time-lapse imaging enables continuous monitoring of embryo development, leading to improved embryo selection.
Are there any specific steps individuals can take to increase their chances of IVF success?
There are several steps to improve the chances of IVF success. These include maintaining a healthy lifestyle, following a balanced diet, managing stress levels, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, taking to the prescribed medications, and following treatment guidelines provided by the fertility specialist.