Main Reasons of IVF Failure

“Why does IVF fail?” may be on your mind. We have heard a lot of good things about in-vitro fertilization (IVF) methods from family, friends, and the internet. However, we don’t hear much about IVF implantation failure because it’s usually a very touchy subject for people who want to have children. This blog post breaks the taboo and talks about reason of IVF Failure.
The most recent success rates we sent to the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) show that the treatment of IVF success rate is 40.6% for getting pregnant and a live birth rate of 32.5%. Sometimes, IVF doesn’t work for people, and they don’t get pregnant or have a live birth. There are several reasons for this.
What Are The Main Reasons Of IVF Failure:
There are several things that can go wrong with IVF. One of these reasons is recurrent implantation failure, which happens after a few days. This happens when the growing baby doesn’t stick to the wall of the uterus, stopping a link from being made. There are also problems with growing in the baby and a lot of DNA variation. No matter what the reason for IVF failure but, it can be painful and mentally tiring. Here are some main reasons why IVF fails:
1. Sperm Abnormality
Sperm that isn’t working right is a reason of IVF failure. A doctor will carefully look at the sperm for any problems during the treatment. If the sperm isn’t shaped right, the egg probably won’t get fertilized. During this process, the sperm will have to break through the egg’s outer layer and release half of its genetic material. This will allow a healthy baby to grow. Your ability to choose good sexes during the process is important if you want to have a healthy pregnancy. If not, a doctor might have to do genetic testing before the pregnancy to find these problems.
2. Female Age
As women age, the quality and number of their eggs decline. It’s a well-known fact that women have a lower chance of getting pregnant as they age. However, a drop in egg number and quality also lowers the chances of a clinical pregnancy or a live birth after IVF treatment.
“According to our success rates, women up to the age of 35 have the highest chance of IVF success: 47% for clinical pregnancy and 38% for live birth,” says Dr. Ritu Agrawal, co-founder of The RITU IVF Center and one of the most well-known fertility experts in India
3. Quality of The Embryo
In the IVF clinic for fertility treatment, the eggs from the female and the sperm from the donor (male) are put together to try to make a baby. Embryo implantation may look healthy in the lab, but there is a chance that they won’t settle into the uterus because of a problem that can’t be seen. Scores are used by our fertility specialist to rate the eggs’ quality and pick the best ones to put back into the uterus. We also use time-lapse images (embryoscope) to keep the embryos warm until they reach the blastocyst stage, which is when embryos are 5 days old. There is a camera inside the closed box that takes pictures of the embryo quality in every 10 to 20 minutes. This is called the embryoscope. The screen on the outside of the embryoscope lets us see how the embryos are growing. This way, we don’t have to take the embryos out every day to check on them, which keeps them in a safe setting. We can also play back the video recording and see how the embryos changed overnight. This lets us pick the best embryo transfer in order to get pregnant.
4. What the Ovarian Does
At the start of IVF treatment, the woman has to give herself a shot of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), a fertility hormone, every day. The goal of this injection is to make more eggs. Some women’s ovaries don’t react properly to this medicine, so they don’t make enough eggs to collect. Low ovarian reserve means that older women already don’t have many eggs, so this is especially true for them.
“If the ovaries don’t respond well, it doesn’t mean the end of the IVF treatment,” says Dr. Ritu. The case might be able to get better with more research and changes to the medicine. AMH levels in the blood and the number of antral follicles seen on an ultrasound scan are used to figure out the ovarian reserve. The amount of ovarian reserve would tell you the best way to activate your ovaries and get them to make a good number of eggs.
5. Problems with Implants
This means that the eggs did not grow inside the uterus. There could be uterine cysts, an early rise in progesterone levels, an endometrial covering that is too thin, or an infection in the uterus leading to infertility. “If an embryo doesn’t implant, it’s not your fault,” says Dr. Ritu. “Most of the time, problems with implantation are out of anyone’s control.” We put together a wide range of tests to look for the reasons why implantation might not have worked.
6. Way of lifestyle
As with a normal pregnancy, living a healthy life before and during IVF is likely to make it easier to get pregnant. Giving up smoking a few months before you start IVF is a good idea because it has been shown to hurt fertility. In addition to eating well and working out daily, reaching a healthy weight will also help you.
7. Chromosomal Abnormalities
Sometimes IVF fails because the eggs don’t have the right chromosomes. This means that there is a piece of chromosomal DNA missing, extra, or not arranged right in the baby. The body then rejects the baby, which means the IVF doesn’t work. Chromosomal abnormalities can be passed down from one parent to the child or form during the early stages of cell division.
As per Dr. Ritu Agarwal, the best IVF doctor in Jaipur, “Chromosome problems are most likely to be present in embryos from women over the age of 35.” But don’t let that stop you. We can check all 23 pairs of chromosomes in the embryos to see if they have any inherited genetic or gene problems, and only the healthy embryos will be replaced.
Reproductive immunology is the idea that an egg or fetus is rejected because the body’s immune cells are working too hard. There is a chance that your immune cells are fighting the baby if you have tried IVF but have not been able to get pregnant. Reproductive immunology might be able to help you figure out why your IVF cycles keep failing and, if your immune system is responding in this way, give you a way to treat it.
Failure of IVF is distressing. Mental and emotional health and money might suffer. Support will help you manage these feelings. Counseling and infertility treatment are alternatives.
Breaks from therapy might also assist. This may alleviate stress and prepare you for another treatment cycle. Many physicians advise waiting four to six weeks before undergoing IVF again, following a negative pregnancy test.
Identifying the Reason of IVF Failure might enhance future efforts. Your doctor may recommend genetic testing if you have a hereditary condition.
Different drugs affect your body differently. Inducing ovulation using ovarian stimulation medications may cause reproductive system inflammation. Your doctor will adjust your stimulation regimen based on your reaction.
Many couples struggle after their first unsuccessful IVF process. But there are various methods to become parents.
FAQs Regarding IVF Fail Reasons:
What causes most IVF failure?
Despite its complexity, embryos that fail to implant on the uterine lining are a common cause of IVF failure. It may have been delivered to the uterus with an unsuitable lining or not attached properly.
After 3 unsuccessful IVF rounds, what next?
After your third unsuccessful IVF cycle, consider a second opinion, more diagnostic testing, reevaluating your treatment plan, or other reproductive therapies.

Dr. Ritu Agarwal is an appreciated IVF expert in Jaipur for IVF therapy, owing to her more than ten years of experience in this field. She is the top IVF specialist in Jaipur who makes every attempt to provide correct counseling and emotional support to patients in order to help them find the ideal solution for becoming parents.