Major Symptoms And Causes Of Infertility

Have you dealt with pregnancy issues for quite a long time now? More than 15% of total couples in the United States have fertility problems. However, many don’t even know what infertility means in the medical language. In a simple definition, infertility means women not getting pregnant after having unprotected sex for approximately a year.
There are varied infertility causes, and treatment is prescribed according to the diagnosis. Fortunately, the progress of medical technology has created tons of safe and effective therapies that boost the chances of pregnancy to a greater level. In this article, we will talk about causes, treatment, diagnosis, and other essential facts regarding infertility.
What are the Major Infertility Causes?
There is a huge number of reasons a couple has to face infertility issues, but its major cause can’t be identified in nearly 25% of cases. It is essential to understand that it doesn’t include miscarriages or women not being able to carry a child to its birth.
Look at what causes infertility in women first:
The main reason for the failure to get pregnant in women is related to ovulation issues. It means problems with releasing the egg from the ovaries. Few stop the egg from being released, whereas others create issues with releasing the eggs during the cycles.
Ovulation Issues
There is a huge number of ovulation issues that increase the risk of infertility. It happens greatly due to polycystic ovary syndrome that includes irregular periods and excess androgen. On the other hand, there are many who have thyroid problems that lead to difficulties in the uterus with conceiving an egg.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
PID is what causes blocked fallopian tubes that ultimately lead to infertility in a woman. It damages the tubes to increase the chances of not getting pregnant. Also, women with this condition have a greater risk of ectopic pregnancy. Although PID can be diagnosed in anyone, those under 25 years of age have more chances of this disorder.
In this condition, the cells near the uterus grow in non-desirable places, like fallopian tubes or ovaries. This necessary growth results in creating a scar issue or blocking the tubes to create a problem with getting pregnant.
Uterine Causes
There are plenty of cervical or uterine factors that either prevent egg implantation or give a boost to the chances of miscarriage.
- Fibroids and tumors interfere with the eggs and even block the fallopian tubes to make a woman infertile.
- Many women have issues related to the uterus since birth that transforms into infertility causes.
- The inability of the cervix to create the best type of mucus for letting the sperm reach the uterus.
What Causes Fertility Issues in Men?
The steps to finding infertility causes in men is a slightly complex issue that raises tons of misconceptions. There are plenty of reasons to force people to search for “what makes you fertile”. Let’s understand the major reasons in detail below:
Lack of Quality Sperm
It is extremely important that at least one testicle should produce quality sperm. Also, the body should be able to produce the required testosterone and hormones needed for maintaining the production of sperm. The reasons for low-quality sperm range from drinking too much alcohol to a poor diet and being overweight.
Inadequate Sperm in the Semen
Having an inadequate sperm count in the semen can lead to the prevention of fertilizing the eggs in the uterus. For those who don’t know, anywhere below the sperm count of 15 million per milliliter of sperm is considered a low level. That’s why it is essential to conduct semen analysis regularly to review the production system.
Non-Functional Sperm
The next reason that can let a couple look for fertility treatments is non-functional sperm. If a man has sperm with abnormal functioning, it will become extremely difficult to penetrate the egg in a female’s body. A doctor highly recommends regularly checking the health of sperm to keep infertility away in men.
Medical Causes
There are plenty of medical conditions, ranging from sexually transmitted infections to ejaculation issues and stress that can increase the risk factors of infertility. Additionally, many drugs affect sperm production in men.
Lifestyle Issues
There are many lifestyle issues like illicit drugs, too much alcohol use, exposure to toxins, genetic fertility disorders, etc. Additionally, the history of fertility in a blood relative can also play a part in creating ovulation problems.
What are the Symptoms of Infertility?
We will first talk about the symptoms of infertility in women:
- The biggest symptom of infertility is irregular period cycles, even after having regular unprotected sex. As mentioned above, they are greatly associated with PCOS and hormone issues that lead to infertility in many cases.
- Hormone fluctuations are also signs of infertility in women that must be taken seriously. It causes reduced sex drive, thinning hair, facial hair growth, etc.
- There are lots of women who experience painful sex during their complete life. It can be due to endometriosis, hormone issues, and underlying conditions.
- Although feeling cramps during periods is a normal thing, things need to be seen by a doctor if they start to interfere with the daily routine. It is one of the major signs of infertility that affects the entire reproductive system.
Let us talk about the symptoms of infertility in men below:
- Many men feel tough to maintain an erection, which is greatly linked to their hormone levels by a healthcare provider. It is a sign of infertility that can create issues in conceiving for women.
- Although the reasons for pain or swelling in the testicles can be due to plenty of reasons, few cause infertility problems in men.
- There is a great linkage between changes in the sexual desires of men and infertility causes. It leads to changes in hormone levels that need to be taken seriously.
- Men’s sperm is housed in the testicles, so they should be large enough to accommodate an abundance of it.
- If someone feels it is tough to ejaculate, it is simply a sign to start the infertility treatment as soon as possible. The doctors will suggest appropriate ways of improving this condition.
When Should You Consult with a Doctor?
Evaluating a single factor about when you should consult with a doctor to eliminate risks of infertility is a difficult task. There are plenty of things that give a sign to fix an appointment with your health care provider as soon as possible.
Have a look at the conditions when women should have a consultation with a doctor:
- Females under the age of 35 can’t get pregnant after one year of unprotected sex.
- If someone is older than 35 years, they should connect within six months of trying because chances decrease with increasing age.
- Women diagnosed with the pelvic inflammatory disease should meet with a gynecologist because this condition affects the fertilization process.
- Having irregular periods frequently.
Have a look at conditions when males should consult with a health care provider below:
- Unable to get pregnant with their partner after a year of unprotected sex.
- A low sperm count in the analysis test.
- Feeling swelling in the testicles.
- Having any history of health problems related to prostate, sex, and testicular?
- Dealing with a sexually transmitted infection.