How to Boost Natural Conception: Tips and Precautions

Natural Conception

Everyone adult knows that having unprotected sex can get them pregnant, but conceiving is not as simple as you think. Most of the people who succeed after trying to conceive are just lucky. So, if you’ve been trying for months and still not getting the desired outcome, it doesn’t mean that you are infertile, and medical intervention is your only hope. Perhaps, you do not know the right time and way to have coitus to maximize the chances of natural conception.

Also, did you know that eating certain kinds of foods and making some lifestyle changes can treat various infertility issues?

Tips to Boost Natural Conception

1. Set fitness goals

Being physically healthy is a must to get pregnant, and have a risk-free pregnancy and a smooth delivery. Being underweight or overweight can affect your fertility negatively. Therefore, before you embark on this thrilling adventure called motherhood, start with treating your body well.

No matter how tight your schedule is, exercise 30 minutes daily, sleep soundly at night, and remove unhealthy habits like having alcohol. This will prepare your body to conceive. getting pregnant at 40 naturally.

Read to know more: Fertility Yoga benefits

2. Get rid of nutritional deficiencies

Did you know that there’s a direct link between nutrition and conception? Yes, to increase fertility levels, both the man and the woman should consume well-balanced meals. So, what are the key nutrients that should be a part of your daily diet?

The most important thing is hydration and hence, drink plenty of water to support proper functioning of the organs and avoid hormonal imbalances. Your meals should be wholesome combinations of proteins, and complex carbs. whole milk, different vitamins, fatty acids, and minerals.

Additionally, you have to stay away from foods that will make you less fertile. These include caffeine, soy products, and red meat. While having these occasionally won’t be an issue, excessive consumption will significantly reduce sperm count and egg count. If you are a smoker, then quit smoking the moment you begin your pregnancy planning,

3. Track your ovulation

Interested in getting pregnant at 40 naturally? While the chance of conception without assisted reproductive technology is less post-40, there’s no harm in trying. For that, you must track your menstrual cycle to know when you ovulate. Predicting ovulation is easy, but it’s confusing for you, ovulation predictor kits or fertility monitors can come in handy.

For women who have a regular cycle, the calendar method is reliable for knowing the fertility window. You simply have to note down the first day as well as the last day of your previous period. For 28-day cycles, you can ovulate any day from the 11th to the 21st day.

Read to know: What is ovulation days

Before ovulation, the vaginal or cervical mucus becomes thinner and whiter, like the egg white. More secretion of the luteinizing hormone is responsible for triggering ovulation. After ovulation, the basal body temperature rises. All these will give you the hint that now is your fertile window and you should utilize this time by having intercourse. We’ve explained this in detail in the next section.

 4. Have coitus on optimal timings

As explained already, having sex without protection does not ensure you will become pregnant. If the sperm does not fertilize the egg, implantation won’t take place. And the egg needs to be mature to facilitate clinical pregnancy.

Therefore, having sex before ovulation and on the day of ovulation will help you get pregnant quickly. Your partner can use natural male fertility supplements to produce high-quality sperm during this time. This is one of the most natural things to help get pregnant. 

The Takeaway

So, after learning these natural remedies to get pregnant fast, do you feel motivated and confident to start your pregnancy journey with renewed enthusiasm? You should also consult an experienced fertility specialist who’ll help you conceive naturally without taking any reproductive medicine.

If you still can’t achieve pregnancy, there are excellent advanced treatments like in vitro fertilization. Thousands of women around the globe are delivering healthy babies through procedures like ICSE, IVF, etc. Hence, just stay happy, listen to your Gynecologist, and your dream of becoming a parent will soon be a reality.


How to Get Pregnant Naturally | American Pregnancy Association

Antioxidants for female subfertility – PMC (