What is Ovarian Stimulation in IVF?

There are a lot of things about in vitro fertilization (IVF) that help it work, or lead to a good baby. One of these parts is the process of ovarian stimulation, which tries to make ovulation happen before other methods are used. The goal of stimulating the ovaries is to make it more likely that a woman will get pregnant.
Let’s talk more about how ovarian stimulation works to help you and your partner know what to expect during your IVF treatment.
What is the Goal of Ovarian Stimulation?
The goal of ovarian stimulation is to make it work like the body’s normal ovulatory cycle, in which chemicals make the eggs develop and release them.
IVF stimulation is done with pills or hormone shots or injection to help more than one egg develop at the same time, which increases the chance of getting pregnant. When hormones are used to stimulate the ovaries, they also help improve the quality of the eggs.
Ovarian stimulation is often used to get eggs during the second part of IVF treatment. You can use these eggs right away or save them for another time. This method is mostly used for people who have been told they have a problem with ovulation because it helps them ovulate.
Stages of IVF Stimulation of the Ovaries:
There are two main kinds of ovary stimulation:
- Long Protocol
- Blocker Protocol
Long Protocol
The usual way to do things is to follow a long routine. It starts about a week before the next period is supposed to start. GnRH-analogue, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone, is given to stop the ovary from doing anything on its own. This is done to stop the eggs from getting out so that a medical team can get them. Once the menstrual cycle starts, the patient gets hormone shots every day and is watched for two weeks. At the end of that time, the eggs are taken.
Blocker Protocol
Once the monthly cycle starts, the antagonist procedure begins. At this point, hormone shots are given to speed up egg maturation so that more eggs can be collected during the extraction stage. When the long plan doesn’t work, this is often the next step. It is also done when a woman has polycystic ovaries or a small number of eggs left in her ovaries.
Ovarian Stimulation Process
During ovarian stimulation, chemicals called follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH) are used to help make more eggs, make them mature, and release them. To start the process, these hormones are given over the course of two weeks.
Depending on how long it takes the eggs to grow, this stage can last longer for some women. One study in the Journal of In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Transfer found that women who didn’t respond well to a certain dose of FSH did respond well to a higher dose of the hormone the next time around.
The goal of using FSH is to raise estrogen levels and help ovaries grow since some of them die when the body’s FSH levels go down. It is important that these amounts stay high so that more eggs can be made. To raise LH, the amount of estrogen needs to be high since this hormone helps start menstruation. In order for IVF to work, the eggs have to be taken out before the woman ovulates.
What to Look For
As you might expect, time is very important when it comes to stimulating the ovaries with hormones. Every step of the process needs to be done carefully and at the right time. The process can have to start over if there is even a small problem or delay.
The physical parts of the whole process can also be stressful, but they can also give people hope. During the process of stimulating the ovaries, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are a few things to remember.
Taking Care of Your Medicines
The hormone shots are just one of the ways that the IVF procedure is treated with medicine. Most people have to give themselves the shots and take pills and patches that are given to them. Again, just like with IVF shots, it’s important to time all of your medicines right so that your body can respond to the treatment.
Along with taking normal medicine, it’s important to keep track of hormone levels with blood tests. With these tests, the practitioner can figure out when and how to make changes. Appointments to look at an ultrasound are also a part of the treatment.
Tests and Touring
Some people may have to drive a lot for regular tests and meetings, especially if the treatment place is in a different city or town. During the IVF process, it should be easy to stay in touch with the medical team by phone and email, but you’ll need to be there for any physical tests.
Stress and Changes in Mood
During the process of stimulating the ovaries, the hormones and medicines that are needed can make a person feel bad. Even though it may seem like the treatment to stimulate the ovaries is causing these mood changes, research has shown that this is not the case.
Problems and Harmful Effects
In addition to stress, fear, and worry, the medicine and hormone shots used in ovarian stimulation can have physical side effects. A rash or swelling at the treatment site can be a sign of mild illnesses. People have also said that their breasts hurt, they feel full, and they have stomach pain.
Some patients have had more than one kid, usually twins or more because the treatment can cause more than one egg to mature at the same time. This means that more than one egg can be fertilized. There can also be problems like babies being born early or even losses.
Services from Ritu IVF
Ritu IVF Center is the best place in the Jaipur area for fertility care, treatment, and therapy. Some of the best infertility care experts in India work at our state-of-the-art center. The RITU IVF Fertility team uses a medical method that is backed by proof and combines it with caring treatment and individual care at every step. Our treatment plans can be changed to fit your needs. Contact us today to talk about your fertility questions and let us help you find hope on your IVF path.

Dr. Ritu Agarwal is an appreciated IVF expert in Jaipur for IVF therapy, owing to her more than ten years of experience in this field. She is the top IVF specialist in Jaipur who makes every attempt to provide correct counseling and emotional support to patients in order to help them find the ideal solution for becoming parents.